Possible-World and Multiple-Context Semantics for Common-Sense Action Planning
M.J. Santofimia; S. Fahlman; F. Moya; J.C. López
Conference: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Location: Barcelona (Spain)
Date: 16/07/2011 - 22/07/2011
Event management and response generation are two essential aspects of systems for Ambient Intelligence. This work proposes handling these issues by means of an approach with which to model and reason about actions and events which, under the umbrella of a philosophical and common-sense point of view, describes what actions and events are, how they are connected, and how computational systems should consider their meaning. This work uses the Scone Knowledge-Base (KB) system with which to both reason about and model the context and the related events. This approach is capable of generating ad-hoc responses, in terms of actions to be performed, supported by the knowledge about the possible-world and multiple-context semantics.