Crowded event management in smart cities using a digital twin approach
F.J. Villanueva; C. Bolaños; A. Rubio Ruiz; R. Cantarero; J. Fernández-Bermejo; J. Dorado
Conference: IEEE International Smart Cities Conference
Location: Pafos (Chipre)
Date: 26/09/2022 - 29/09/2022
Pages: 1-7
One challenge of any smart city is the management of crowded events (concerts, protests, marathons, etc.). For civil servants in charge of management, in-advance attendance prevision, real-time situational awareness and its evolution forecasting are crucial to resource assignment. These massive events put under stress public resources, organization and safety of smart cities. In this paper, we describe an ongoing effort to model urban layout, sensors deployed, and citizen information (from social networks and smartphone application) to deal with these situations. We use the concept of a digital twin applied to a city by modelling different flows of information which are integrated with a 3D virtual representation with forecasting possibilities. The main contribution of this paper is the architecture proposed and GUI using the augmented virtuality concept. The main purpose of our proposal is to facilitate the knowledge of the situation and the management of this type of event.