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Let's start with the classic "Hello World!" example:

The interface is very simple, just a method to say hello! On this example, we will use Python, so there is no need to compile it...

But if you prefer another language, just select the apropiate translator:

// 1. Define module and interface name
module Example {
    interface Hello {

        // 2. Add needed methods
        void sayIt();
$ slice2cpp interface.ice
$ slice2java interface.ice
$ slice2js interface.ice
$ slice2cs interface.ice
$ slice2php interface.ice


This server listens on a TCP port, waiting for incoming invocations. Its like any other ZeroC Ice server, you only need to also: 1) load IDM slice, and 2) using a valid IDM slice, 3) register your proxy on IDM router.

import sys
import Ice

# 1. Load IDM slice
import IDM

import Example

class HelloI(Example.Hello):
    def sayIt(self, current):
        print("Hello World!")

class Server(Ice.Application):
    def run(self, args):
        ic = self.communicator()

        # 2. Add servant with a valid IDM address
        address = ic.stringToIdentity("10AA02")

        adapter = ic.createObjectAdapter("Adapter")
        proxy = adapter.add(HelloI(), address)

        # 3. Register proxy on IDM router
        router = ic.propertyToProxy("IDM.Router.Proxy")
        router = IDM.RouterPrx.checkedCast(router)

        print("Ready, waiting events...")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Create a regular UDP client. But wait... UDP? Yes! Thats the point with IDM, you can have different protocols on each side, like TCP, UDP, RS-485, ZigBee... No problem, IDM will make the message arrive to its correct destination.

import sys
import Ice

import Example

class Client(Ice.Application):
    def run(self, args):
        ic = self.communicator()

        # 1. Use remote object's IDM address
        address = ic.stringToIdentity("10AA02")

        # 2. Send the invocation through the IDM router
        remote = ic.propertyToProxy("IDM.Router.Proxy")
        remote = remote.ice_identity(address)
        remote = Example.HelloPrx.uncheckedCast(remote)


if __name__ == "__main__":

To make everything work, you need to run an IDM router first. Its very easy, just copy (or download) the following configuration file, router.config. Then, launch it as follows:

Router.Table.Path = /tmp/router.table
Router.Adapter.Endpoints = tcp -h -p 6140
Router.Ids = 10AA01
$ idm-router --Ice.Config=router.config
INFO:root: waiting events...

Then, the second step is launching your TCP server. Again, copy or download the configuration file, server.config, and run the following command (you will see how it is registered on router):

IDM.Router.Proxy = 10AA01 -t:tcp -h -p 6140
Adapter.Endpoints = tcp

$ python3 ./server.py --Ice.Config=server.config
Ready, waiting events...

Last, run the UDP Client: copy or download the config file, client.config, and run as indicated. If everything is as expected, you will see a "Hello World!" message on the server console, indicating that the method invocation arrived correctly. Good job!

IDM.Router.Proxy = 10AA01 -t:tcp -h -p 6140

$ python3 ./client.py --Ice.Config=client.config

More examples and documentation: