A multimodal distributed architecture for indoor localization
M.A. Pinedo; F.J. Villanueva; M.J. Santofimia; J.C. López
Conference: International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
Location: Guimaraes (Portugal)
Date: 21/09/2011 - 23/09/2011
The indoor location problem, despite being a hot topic for the research community, it is still an issue with great room from improvement. The poor results reported by the use of isolated location technologies are leading current research efforts to work in the combination of different technologies. This work presents an object-oriented distributed architecture that, supporting different location technologies, is capable of providing a multimodal location system. The main contribution of this work is therefore the proposal of a system in which the information retrieved from different location technologies can be combined in order to provide high level services, such as user device tracking or watch areas.