Distributed Architecture for Efficient Indoor Localization and Orientation
F.J. Villanueva; J.D. Dondo; D. Villa; D. Vallejo; C. Mora; C. González Morcillo; J.C. López
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics
Location: Las Vegas (USA)
Date: 11/01/2013 - 14/01/2013
Pages: 59-60
ISBN: 978-1-4244-8709-7
In last decade, indoor GPS-like navigation has devoted attention from research community since is a key point for advanced services. Assistance, direct marketing, localization, etc. are examples of services that an appropiate navigation infrastructure could enable. With the evolution of cameras integrated in consumer electronics devices (mobile phones, notebooks, etc.) a new method, based on video streamming analisys gotted from mobile device videocamera, can provide us with the two necessary features for a sucessfull navigation experience, localization and orientation. In this paper, we present an architecture for videocamera streamming analisys joining existing algorithms for providing, in a robust way, to the consumer electronic device with its orientation and localization.